Thursday, October 31, 2019

War and Peace international relations since 1914 Essay

War and Peace international relations since 1914 - Essay Example It was done so on 23rd July. The last part of July saw attack of Austria over Serbia. 28th July marked the day when Austria unleashed on Serbia. 31st July marked Germany’s attack on Russia on Eastern front. 3rd August marked attack of Germany on France. 4th August marked attack of Great Britain on Germany. Between 15th to 18th August, three major events took place. Russia took over parts of Prussia, and U.S.A reaffirmed its neutrality (Tuchman). The issues that came forth around the second and later stage of W.W.2 were pertinent to the post war settlements, say and influence and sharing of the spoils of war. Great Britain and U.S.A had soft corner for one another, Russia on other hand wanted maximum shares. It claimed those shares on account of the sacrifices and number of troops and other civilian casualties suffered by Russia. The case of Poland was another area of interest between these two. Russia wanted major say and influence in the affairs of European countries that had been unseated, while United States of America wanted to break the shackles and come out of the old custom of isolation. Great Britain on other side wanted to maintain its influence and presence through economic strengthening and importance of seas. The case of Germany and the influence maintaining was another area of conflict that came up in the later part of the Second World War (Keylor, 85). Iron Curtain was an important speech that is still remembe red as a hall mark of those days. The conflict gave rise to Cold war which lasted for over five decades after the end of Second World War. The relationship between these two groups had fragmented the continent of Europe into two distinct blocs. Both were drawn by the spirit of hatred, ill will, suspicion towards one another. Each aimed at outsmarting one another through military might and counter maneuvers. The Triple Entente was driven by historic relationship and strong ties. The central powers had come together

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cellular Respiration Essay Example for Free

Cellular Respiration Essay Abstract The effect of nature of substrates on the rate of cellular respiration in yeast was determined by using the Smith fermentation tube method. Mixtures of 15ml distilled H2O, 10% yeast suspension and 15ml of the following solutions (all at 10% concentration):1- starch, 2 – lactose, 3 – sucrose, 4 – glucose, 5 – fructose, 6 – distilled water , were poured in six smith fermentation tubes. Cotton balls were plugged in the openings of the tubes and the tubes were kept upright and observed for 30 minutes. The mixture with the sucrose solution acquired the highest computed volume of gas evolved and the rate of CO2 evolution seconded by glucose and followed by fructose. This stated that the higher the amount of the CO2 evolved, the faster the rate of respiration. Mixtures with lactose, starch and dH2O solutions obtained zero result for the volume of gas evolved and rate of CO2 evolution. Thus, the nature of subtrate used slows down or fastens the rate of cellular respiration. Introduction Cellular respiration is defined as an enzyme mediated process in which organic compounds such as glucose is broken down into simpler products with the release of energy (Duka, Diaz and Villa, 2009). It is a series of metabolic processes and oxidation-reduction reactions. Oxidation of substrates, such as glucose, is a fundamental part of cellular respiration (Mader, 2009). As a catabolic process, it may or may not require the presence of oxygen. The process that requires oxygen is called aerobic respiration while the process that does not require the presence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. (Duka, 2007) Despite of its low yield of only two ATP (energy used by the cells to perform its duties), anaerobic respiration is essential because it continuously synthesizes ATP albeit oxygen is temporarily in short supply. Although anaerobic respiration synthesizes a low yield of ATP (which is the energy used by the cell enables it to perform its duties), it is essential because it is a way to produce ATP even though oxygen is temporarily in short supply. Though this process brings benefits usually, these are accompanied by drawbacks. One of these downsides is the formation of lactate in the muscles because of â€Å"oxygen debt†, causing it to â€Å"burn† and eventually fatigue, until pyruvate is reduced from lactate (Madur, 2009). Anaerobic respiration can be further divided into two types; namely, alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate (product of glucose in glycolysis) is converted to 2 molecules of ethanol (C2H5OH) and 2 molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) while in lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is reduced directly into lactic acid (Campbell and Reece, 2008). A good example of organism which produces ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide through the process of alcohol fermentation is yeast (Madur, 2009). As a unicellular fungus, yeast is also an example of a facultative anaerobe, which depicts an organism with [continues] Materials and Methods In determining the effect of the nature of substrates on rate of cellular respiration, smith fermentation tube method was done. In this method, six smith fermentation tubes were obtained. This special tube has a closed vertical arm which extends into a bulbous portion with tapered opening as seen in Figure 5b. 15 ml of the following solutions, all at 10% concentration, were poured to the respective tubes: 1- starch, 2 – lactose, 3 – sucrose, 4 – glucose, 5 – fructose, 6 – distilled water. 15 ml distilled water and 15 ml 10% yeast suspension was then added to each tube. The mixtures were shaked gently and assured to have no bubbles trapped at the closed end. If there were bubbles, it will be removed by covering the opening with the palm of one hand and tilting the tube horizontally. The openings of the tubes were plugged with cotton balls. The tubes were tied together at their vertical arms to keep them upright and were set aside where the will not b e disturbed. All CO2 evolved will be trapped in the vertical arm and the height of the area occupied by the CO2 evolved were measured every five minutes for thirty minutes. The volume of the gas evolved and the rate of CO2 evolution were computed. The rate of CO2 evolution was computed by the amount of CO2 evolved over time and the volume of the gas evolved was computed by the formula: Volume = pir2h whereas pi= 3.14 r= radius of the smith fermentation tube (cm) h= height of the area occupied by the CO2 evolved (cm) Computed results were tabulated. A graph of volume of CO2 evolved and time elapsed was then plotted and analyzed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay

Cima Defines Management Accounting As The Process Of Identification Accounting Essay Accounting is the methodical or precise recording, reporting, and assessment of financial deals and transactions of a business. Accounting also involves the preparation of statements or declarations concerning assets, liabilities, and outcomes of operations of a business CIMA defines Management Accounting as the process of identification, measurement, calculation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to ensure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. An important contrast between the two segments of accounting is that management accounting is not mandatory in the sense that a company is free to do as much or as little as it likes and no regulatory bodies or agencies specify what is to be done, or, for that matter, whether anything is to be done at all. The sole objective of management accounting is to provide the managers with a detailed analysis of the cost incurred and to assist them develop strategies to increase profits and reduce costs. Costing is a function which links both financial and management accounting. Without proper product cost information a manufacturing, wholesale or retail organization would be unable to segregate the cost of sold and unsold outputs. Such segregation is essential to obtain periodic profitability measurement. Introduction of finance Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. Virtually all individuals and organization earn or raise money and spend or invest money. Finance is concerned with the process, institutions, markets and instruments involved in the transfer of money among and between individuals, business and governments. Finance, in another word, can be defined as the management of the flows of money through an organization, whether it be a corporation, school, bank, or government agency. Finance concerns itself with the actual flows of money as well as any claims against money. The term financial management, managerial finance, corporate finance, and business finance are virtually synonymous and are used interchangeably, most of the managerial finance. Finance is regarded as the life-blood of the business unit. This  function involves planning, procurement and effective utilisation of the funds of the business. Relationship Between finance and accounting Finance concerns with account because financial accounting is one branch of accounting. Accounting relates to booking of the historical transaction of an organization and it leads to preparation of financial status of the company stating that asset and what liabilities are held by the entity as on the day when relevant period like a year ends i.e. Balance Sheet Financial status is concluded from the accounting records (i.e. balance sheet, profit and loss account). Account keeps the record of the organizations income, expenditure, asset liabilities and by evaluating those transactions finance makes the decision for investment like where to invest? How much funds to invest? Etc. In a short form we can say that where account ends of keeping records, finance starts the work by evaluating them. Finance is connected with accounting. The accounting process produces one of the essential raw materials needed to make financial decisions, financial data. Accounting is a tool for handling only the financial aspects of business operations. It is geared to the financial ends of business only because these are measurable on the scale of money values. The distinction between financial management and management accounting is semantic one, but the gap between the two is rapidly closing. Financial management, however, has the broader meaning of planning and control of all activities by financial means, while management accounting originally meant the internal management of finance. The accountant devotes his attention to the collection and presentation of financial data. The financial officer evaluates the accountant statements, develops additional data and arrives at decisions based on his analysis. As a matter of fact, sound financial management is a matter of good accounting Accounting and Finance is a very important function of any business either for profit making or for non-profit making institutions. It provides an avenue where a business analyses its operations in terms of what they own, what comes and what goes out. This write-up looks deeper into the accounting and financial processes in an organization and the problems associated with these processes. The introduction part tries to look into the meaning of accounting and finance and the processes involved in each case. The main discussion focuses on deeper diagnosis of the problems encountered in accounting and financial processes. Functions of the business The function of a business can be divided into two parts.1) Primary function 2) secondary function Primary function is a function of that kind which is needed basically to operate an organization. The primary function of business can be divide into these parts Finance function Production function Marketing function Finance function: finance is regarded as the life blood of the business unit. This function involves planning, procurement and effective utilization of the funds of business. Without finance function it is not possible to run a business Production function: The function of production involves making or production of a product or creating services by using human resource, raw materials and capital. A number of process, technology, and techniques are use for production. It entails plant location and layout, plant building, production planning and quality control. For the production function it involves with human resource function and finance function of business. Since production helps in the creation of utilities, this has been considered as the most important function of the business. Marketing functions: this function is primarily linked with the distribution of manufactured product or services. It involves with the sale of the product. For that function it uses human resource and finance. For smooth marketing of the product, the marketing manager decides on the product, its packing and branding, deciding the distribution channel and promoting the future sales. Secondary function of the business is accounting. When a business comes in an operation, it has its some transactions of income and expenditures. Those transactions lies in accounting function of the business. The secondary function can be divided into these parts Collect and analyze data from business transactions. Keep transactions according to system of accounting Prepare financial statements Send the report to other departments of the business. Relating finance with other business functions Financial management is an integral part of overall management. It is not a totally independent. Finance is omnipresent and it is associated with the plans and results of every functional department because every proposal and every decision entails financial problems or has an influence on financial results. it is closely associated with economics, accounting and interfaces with such areas as marketing, production, human resource management and quantitative techniques. Finance and economics: Finance and economics are closely related. Economics as defined by economist is the study humans behavior in producing, exchanging, and definition the materials, goods and services he wants. The definition is somewhat similar to our definition of finance. Finance might be viewed as the study of economics events in which it is possible to put a rupee sign on the transaction. In this context, finance is an application of economics. The individual interested in making financial decision is well served by having a sound foundation in economics. The link between economics and financial management is close. A study of financial management is likely to be barren if it is divorced from the study of economics. Financial management has, in fact, evolved over the years as an autonomous branch of economics. . Finance and marketing: Financial management is intimately related with marketing. The financial manager while formulating credit and collection policies for the firm must consult the marketing manager because these policies directly affect magnitude of sales of the firm. Whether to sell for credit, to what extent and on what terms are parts of the sales strategy of a firm. But they have financial implications too because the funds will be tied up in receivables must be made available and any shift in policies will affect on receivables. Thus this aspect of business decisions involves both sales and finance. Alongside this, the financial manager will have to draw upon the fundamentals of marketing while deciding whether to invest funds in a given business enterprises and in discovering how to market stocks and bonds (R.M. srivastava; 1986). What marketing personnel forecast, the financial manager then determines the financial dimension of the forecasts. Finance and Production Function: Financial management is also closely associated with production functions. Any changes in the production functions may necessitate capital expenditures, which the financial manager must evaluate and finance. He is primarily responsible for supplying funds to finance inventory and fixed assets, which must earn sufficient return to cover the cast involved in procuring funds. Finance and human resources management: Human resources management, the management of investment in personnel or employees has important financial considerations. At the organizational level, financial manager must decide whether it would be profitable to finance special training for employees or not. Finance and Quantitative techniques: Financial management is also closely related with quantitative techniques. The advance study of finance requires considerable sophistication in quantitative methods. An understanding of statistical techniques appears to be especially valuable since May financial decisions rely on observing relationship and acting on the basis of these relationships. particulars Debit ( £) Credit ( £) Stock 1.1 Purchase Fuel power Building Salaries Machinery Debtors Cash at bank Wages Carriage outward Investment Rent Stationery Goodwill Interest in debenture Sales Share capital Creditors Reserve fund Profit and loss appropriation account 6% debenture 30000 550000 5000 200000 10000 200000 100000 25000 20000 5000 200000 10000 20000 20000 5000 800000 450000 10000 20000 20000 100000 Total Trial Balance Adjustments Closing stock at the end of the year was of  £ 30000 Provide Depreciation on building at 5% and machinery at 10% and provision for doubtful debts to be maintained at 5% on sundry debtors Outstanding salary was  £2000 and wages were prepaid for  £ 3000 The Directors decided to pay 10% dividend on paid up capital and transfer  £10,000 to the reserve fund out of profit. particulars Debit  £ particulars Credit  £ To stock 1-1 To purchase To fuel, power To wages 20000 Less, pre-paid 3000 To gross profit c/d To Depreciationed 30000 550000 5000 17000 228000 By sales By closing stock 800000 30000 830000 830000 Total 830000 Total 830000

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Christian Opposition -- Argumentative Persua

Christian Opposition to Capital Punishment The matter of the death penalty is one which we, as Christians, should address at this time since victims continue to be killed by the state. We should give the religious teaching concerning it, in order to assist those who are making efforts to clarify their thoughts about this very complex and difficult question. Such is the subject of this paper. Â   There are two sources from which we draw information regarding the practice of capital punishment: (1) sacred scripture and (2) the teaching of churches and synagogues through the ages. With them as a basis, we can make a theological analysis of our present day circumstances and draw what we believe to be sound conclusions. Â   From Sacred Scriptures: The book of Genesis addresses the same problem and conflict we face today. It is the tension between the inviolable sacredness of human life on the one hand, and man's responsibility for safeguarding the well-being of the community. The biblical authors regarded life as the gift of the life-giving God himself: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Gen. 1:23) "Then the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Gen. 2:7) For one person to deprive another of that gift is an affront to the creator himself. Â   There are many scriptural references that make the point that the murderer must be punished. Nevertheless, biblical tradition is also replete with reminders that vengeance belongs to the Lord and that he enjoins the qualities of compassion and forgiveness on those believers in the biblical revelation of God. (Amo... ...roclaim the value of every human life and the dignity of every human person and thus call into question the imposition of the death penalty. We recognize that our proclamation is also a call to others for: 1. A further commitment by every person of good will to greater protection of society; 2. The affirmation of the God-given value of life; 3. The satisfaction of human need for the alleviation of every human want. 4. The promotion of justice in society, and peace among men. Â   It is our belief as Christians that the imposition of the death penalty in today's society is an attack upon the inviolability of human life and an affront to human dignity. Our opposition to the death penalty is also an affirmation of the sacredness of all human life and an appeal to all for greater individual and societal efforts for a more humane and just society.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Integratron and Giant Rock, Mojave Desert, California

If you stand directly under the hole in the center of the room and say something the sound reverberates through your head and body and sounds like peaking to a large outdoor or indoor audience with lots of echoes and large speakers. Very strange no doubt. If you whisper from one side of the room, people on the opposite side can hear you clearly, which Is why I got strange looks when I said my watch was running backwards from the electrical effects. There was a presentation that covered some of the history of the builder and the bulging.When they got to the part about aliens I sort of lost interest. Everyone was Invited to take a blanket and lay out on the floor for meditation and a sound massage session with sounds provided by vibrations from crystal bowls and goblets. Remember how you can run your finger around the rim of a crystal goblet and get a nice humming sound? Well here in the Integration it really is magnified and enhanced creating a peaceful and relaxing interlude while la ying on the blankets. I however sat in a plastic chair. Several fell asleep based on snoring sounds.Founded in 1954 by aeronautical engineer and biologist George Van Tassel, the Integration offers something called a â€Å"sound bath†, and though we were not quite sure what a â€Å"sound bath† would entail, we were pleasantly surprised to find that while the energy vortex may not have been subjugating our poor abused livers, the experience was Indeed quite relaxing. For 30 minutes, our host â€Å"Torn† played varying tones on a set of quartz crystal slaying bowls as we meditated, listened to each other breathe, cough, and In some cases, nap.As It turns out, Van Tassel was not your run-of-the-mill OF;chasing desert eccentric. An aeronautical engineer and test pilot who worked for both Lockheed and alongside Howard Hughes at Hughes Aviation, he moved to the Mojave Desert in 1947 to operate an airport and inn. It was there that he claimed to be contacted ellipticall y by the Venusians, who were entrusting to him the secrets of cell rejuvenation. Acting on these instructions, Van Tassel began building the Integration, a 38 Ft. High dome inspired by Moses' Tabernacle and the writings of Tests.While not the rejuvenation center and time machine that Van Tassel had intended, it Is does serve as the only all-wood, acoustically perfect sound chamber in the U. S. According to Van Tassel, the site of the Integration Is actually a magnetic vortex, an Intersection of geometric forces that would amplify energy required for human cell rejuvenation ND healing. All that was needed to harness this great gift to the human race was a parabolic dome was designed to focus that energy, much like it focuses sound, toward the center with it's spherical shape.Not meeting the standards of life-saving rejuvenation chamber Just yet, the Integration still serves a purpose as a meditation spot, event location, and unusual desert stop to feel closer to our Venusians friends in the stars. Outside of the dome itself there is a dry garden with a clump of hammocks serving as â€Å"Hammock Village†, and tons of interesting folk art and alien-themed knick- knacks such as the â€Å"Alien Clings to Rock† piece you see here. To enjoy our sound bath, we found a blanket or yoga mat and claimed a spot in the circle, feet facing out.Our host described how the sound chamber works, and demonstrated how if we heard someone breathing or coughing as if they were right next to our ear, it was actually the person directly across from us on the other side of the dome. After a unusually long and stern warning regarding snoring during the bath, we closed our eyes as our host played the singing bowls. Bending the sound in ways that made it feel like it was owing in and out of our heads in waves, the intense sound was both soothing and unsettling.There was surprisingly a lot of snoring, and the earlier warning no longer seemed frivolous. After 30 minutes of hypn otic sound, we felt refreshed and ready to take on the rest of our desert adventure. Recently honored with a dedication and historical monument by the Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clamp's Vitas, Billy Holcomb Chapter, the Integration today receives many visitors drawn to experience the Integration's enhanced energy fields. An overnight stay at the Integration is said o result in waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book review on the cold war by mike sewell essays

Book review on the cold war by mike sewell essays For 50 years the world was dominated by two superpowers. The cold war was a confrontation between the United States and Soviet Union, with the belief that the ideology of the other side had to be destroyed. The Soviet Union believed that the conflict between capitalism and communism was inevitable. The United States believed that peace and stability in the world would only emerge when the evil of communism was abolished. The cold war was a significant era in the history of the world as it shapes the economic, political and the ideological world today. Mike Sewells The Cold War thoroughly covers all stages of this era chronologically, from its origins, the confrontation between the powers and the collapse of the communist party in the early 1990s throughout seven sections. One of the positive aspects of reading the cold war is that it is based on a monograph therefore confined to the study of one topic. Whereas reading a book like world history since 1945, by jack Watson may give you broader knowledge of a longer period however it does not go into depth about each topic so the reader is only left with basic knowledge about the particular topic. The vocabulary used by mike Sewell is straightforward which is a positive aspect due to the reason that its is a core textbook at a-level history therefore it is more accessible to a wider audience, as well as students who are more able to understand. As a student, this book may be helpful for the reason that it provides questions at the end of each chapter regarding what has just been discussed. This can be seen to be a positive aspect during revision of the topic. The cold war is crucial era in history and many writers have written and commented on the time, mostly with conflicting views. Mike Sewell has based most of his writing on previous books. At the beginning of each chapter he allows the reader to be aware of these references by providing footnotes to back up his op ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sex and Violence on Television essays

Sex and Violence on Television essays This movie is about Jamal Wallace. Jamal meets William Forrester, who is a Pulitzer Prize winner. Jamals friends dare him to go into Forresters apartment because Forrester was always watching them through binoculars. When Jamal gets caught, he runs out, but forgets his notebook and belongings. William Forrester gives him his belongings back with comments of his own. After that, they develop a good friendship. One teaching aspect I found was mentoring. Jamal would get Cs for his schoolwork, which was average, but in reality he was a straight A student. Forresters mentoring brought out the best out of Jamal. Jamal was a gifted student, but he didnt realize that until he got that little push from his mentor Forrester. I found, from watching this movie, that talents should not be hidden. I liked this movie a lot because it was hopeful and encouraging. This movie is about a math teacher named Jaime Escalante. He went to Garfield High School to teach computer science. This movie takes place in 1982 in East Los Angeles, CA. He was expecting to teach computer science, but instead he teaches calculus. The class is told that they are going to be taught AP calculus. The students dont like the idea when they realize the amount of work it will take to pass calculus. One teaching aspect I found in this movie is that instead of Mr. Escalante focusing on his students limitations, he chose to focus in their potential. Mr. Escalante was able to relate to any type of student and motivate them by raising their self-expectations. Overall, this movie is inspirational and great! This movie is about Mark Thackeray. He is an engineer but then is out of work. Since Mark Thackeray is out of work, he then decides to take on a job as a teacher in London. The story takes place in the rough east end. Since hes teaching the kids from the dock workers, Mr. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Eastern Red Cedar - Tree Species Overview

Eastern Red Cedar - Tree Species Overview Eastern red cedar or Juniperus virginiana is not a true cedar. It is a juniper and the most widely distributed native conifer in the eastern United States. Redcedar (red and cedar can be spelled together or separate) is found in every U.S. state east of the 100th meridian, which is a geographic vertical map  line separating east and west North America. This hardy tree is considered a pioneer tree species and often among the first trees to occupy cleared areas, where its seeds are spread by cedar waxwings and other birds that enjoy the fleshy, bluish seed cones. Fence lines attract the birds and red cedar trees become the new wild hedge. The Eastern Red Cedar Tree Range The red cedar range extends from southeastern Canada down to the Gulf of Mexico. To the west, native red cedar tree range only occurs east of the Great Plains but has been successfully spread toward the west by natural regeneration from planted trees. In the absence of fire, eastern red cedar thrives and may eventually dominate mid-western prairie or forest vegetation. Pure stands of eastern redcedar are scattered throughout the primary range of the species. Most of these stands are on abandoned farm lands or drier upland sites. Fire is destructive to the tree and often controlled or eliminated from a landscape with the use of controlled burning. The Hardy Eastern Red Cedar The dense but attractive foliage growth makes eastern redcedar a favorite for windbreaks, screens, and wildlife-cover for large yards and landscapes. Red cedars high salt-tolerance makes it ideal for seaside locations. Still, it is not recommended as a street tree where winter roads are salted because it can obstruct the view of traffic. This tree does well in poor, compacted soils and is a good tree for land reclamation. It does well in areas that experience drought during the year. Identification of Eastern Red Cedar The evergreen red cedar is a small to medium tree that rarely exceeds 50 feet in height. Redcedar is single-trunked and the only native juniper that is upright and columnar. The bark has shedding thin strips, the seed cones are berry-like and glaucous (blueish), the leaves are scale-like and pressed tightly against twigs. One other way to identify a red cedar is the presence  cedar-apple rust and bagworms that commonly infest/infect eastern red cedars. Uses of Eastern Red Cedar Red cedar wood is highly valued as a wood for the fine-grained, decay resistant wood used to panel closets and split for fence posts. Other uses include making pails, making lead pencils and making cedar chests. Speaking of chests, the volatile cedrine camphor oil has been proven to kill larvae of moths that feed on wool. Redcedar makes a lovely Christmas tree and comes with that perfect smell of the season. Selling it as a Christmas tree may not work where red cedar is not a preferred even though affordable Christmas tree. Eastern Red Cedar Trees Plant Easily Eastern redcedar can be planted in full sun or partial shade. Red cedar will easily grow in a variety of soils, including clay, but will not do well when roots are constantly moist or wet. Do not over water redcedar but do water seedlings until established, then leave the tree alone. Red cedars are difficult to transplant due to a coarse root system except when quite small. Still, when properly planted from nursery stock it will perform well with no care and can handle acid, alkaline soil and coastal soils. Usually, insects and diseases are not a problem if planted in open sun.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Application of Neo-institutional and Practice Theory to Fuji Xerox Essay

Application of Neo-institutional and Practice Theory to Fuji Xerox - Essay Example Fuji Xerox Australia Institutional Design In 1990s organizational change and need for adaptation appeared as a core issue in organizations due to complexity in the political, regulatory and technological environment (Greenwood and Hinings 1996). This ability to embrace change and adapt to it has become a key factor in an organization’s survival and retaining a competitive edge. Minor(2007, p351) describes institutionalization as a process by which specific behaviors or activities are cognitively and normatively applied in an organization, so that it is taken for granted that they are lawful. The institutional theory there by, does not focus on organizational change but on isomorphism and stability of an organization (Greenwood and Hinings 1996). Fuji Xerox executive Mr. Gorrie explained the organizational design as a process by which FX aligns their business processes for creating an efficient decision-making process work-flow. Furthermore, they have a reward system to motivat e employees to engage in behavior that is congruent with their environmental conservation goals. Situation Analysis Application of Neo- Institutional Theory Initially it was considered that perhaps institutionalization could be detrimental to an organization’s ability to embrace change. This concept was replaced by a newer one that proposed that institutionalization could actually serve as an excellent basis to propagate change (Greenwood and Hinings, 1996). Recent developments in Neo-institutional theory have highlighted the capacity of various organizational factors to function as agents of institutional change. This concept can be extrapolated to the concept of institutional entrepreneurship, which implies that organizations develop and manipulate structures to work toward their strategic objectives (Nelson, Neri and Paul, 2007). Mr. Gorrie suggested a practical example of change management that was supported through institutionalization. He suggested that when FE was awar ded the contract for New South Whales Government worth $300 million. The contract required for FE to supply multi-function devices to all higher educational institutions under the umbrella of NSW. The project was huge and the organization was under a great deal of pressure about their capability to meet such a massive demand. That required for extensive change management, this required for massive expansion to deliver the order and manage their daily operations. So in light of institutionalization, the change was communicated trough top management and intranet throughout the organization. Furthermore, a senior manager was appointed to ensure that the change was properly communicated and implemented. Application of Practice Theory The main concerns for practice theory are the dynamics of action and the social environment in which the action takes place. According to Feldman and Orlikowski (2011) Practice theory can be applied to an organization in three ways: Firstly the Empirical fo cus that deals with how people act in the context of the organization, secondly the Theoretical focus which relates the actions of employees to that on the social structures of life, and thirdly the Philosophical focus that addresses the constructive role that organizational practices play in creation of social reality. Mr. Rodney

Friday, October 18, 2019

Investigation on Whether Nokia Should Quit the UK Essay

Investigation on Whether Nokia Should Quit the UK - Essay Example The main research objective is find out whether it would be viable to minimize expansion of the Nokia brand in the U.K market. Nokia as evident from the analysis has been experiencing a decline it its market share in the named market. Competition has stifled with other companies providing equal or better quality mobile handsets. Handsets are now a requirement for a majority of people. Statistics has shown a decline in number of handsets purchased and an ever increasing number of smartphones acquired. It is a technologically changing world that can be attributed to this trend. People want the best, and since it is affordable, they can get it. Nokia holds a high popularity of mobile phone manufacturing companies in the world. It had the biggest market share of mobile users, but this is changing. This research focuses on finding out changes in the performance of Nokia and if it is a viable idea for to withdraw itself from the U.K market. In trying to answer this, several factors have to be investigated on the reasons that have led to this aftermath in the Nokia Company. 1.2: Research objectives. The research problems highlight the areas of importance in this study. They seek to encompass the most crucial factors involved in this project. They revolve around the Nokia Mobile statistics. They are, to determine the factors behind the decline of Nokia smartphone market share, changing trends in the mobile market, to identify measures to be taken against this issue and know if it is wise to leave the U.K market or not. 1.3: Research questions What are the reasons for declining market share in U.K, how can it be controlled and what are the appropriate ways to control it. 1.4: Statement of problem Factors influencing Nokia mobile market share the U.K and factors influencing changes in the mobile market in U.K 2.0: LITERATURE REVIEW In recent times, with the advancement of technology, operating systems became one of the major determinants of a company’s performance in the market. With the need for faster and efficient mobile systems, there has been competition on who provides the best operating system customers prefer in the U.K. Apple has the most popular OS scooping a share of 42%, Blackberry with 36% and android with a share of 12%. It is surprising because Nokia, known for its popularity and with the changing trends and stiff competition, stands to make its way to the top or quit the smartphone market for better standing mobile companies. This research focuses on finding out what appropriate measure to take, whether quit or continue in the race of attracting customers to use their smartphones. In trying to investigate this, it has to identify the gap existing the company and the competitors. Strategies used in pricing, promotion, quality provision and the 4ps of marketing have a large part in determining the performance of a company’s products. For example, while price may not be a substantial factor to consider because of affordab ility in the current market of smartphones it is still pertinent to know that is the crucial factor customers consider for any product. They may want to operate in the market with the highest margins. This can only be realistic in a monopolistic market where they are the sole suppliers of a product. That is why the Nokia Company have to identify what strategy to use to maintain their share, increase it or exit the market. They should

Identifying Instructional Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Identifying Instructional Resources - Essay Example This activity supports the instructional objective by giving the students multiple representations of the content: first, they read the content in our class text. Next, they identify the most important information in the text - that which defines and gives the function of the three branches of government. Lastly, they place the informational in a new organizational context - the Concept/Definition Graphic Organizer. This activity is well suited to the students' academic level because it requires comprehension of text, the selection of important content, summarizing that content, and placing it a new context. The graphic organizer will show the content in a new context for students, and more contexts will yield a more thorough understanding. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. ... Instructional objectives: - compare and contrast the different branches and their role within the U.S. - demonstrate an understanding of checks and balances by illustrating in a picture. - use word processor; create a paragraph explaining each branch of government. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. Students then use the Comparison Matrix as an outline for an essay that they complete using a word processing program. These activities should be highly engaging for students because they employ several different learning modalities and are at a skill level that is challenging but attainable for their age group. Resources: Internet access. Reuters.;; and The New York Times Online: Instructional objectives: - locate and be able to discuss current issues in the media concerning the government. - formulate at least two concerns/problems that would fall under the jurisdiction of the branches of government. Students find current issues in media concerning the government by using Internet search engines. They write a summary of these issues using a word-processing program. They include two examples of a current issue for each of the three branches of government. These activities link the abstract notions of what government does with

Retirement Gamble Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Retirement Gamble - Movie Review Example There is an important concept that is brought about in the video concerning the availability of actively managed funds that are worthy the value of investors’ money. The authors argue that there are no actively managed funds that can add value to the investors’ investments. I disagree with the argument because there are several beneficial actively managed funds in the market. Moreover, Christine Marcks, the head of Prudential Retirement, argues that she is not aware of any research findings showing the advantages of low cost index investments over the high cost active management. The general public needs to be made aware that the task of finding and determining whether the actively managed funds are worthy the investors’ money should lie under the responsibility of investment accountants. Research shows that one third of Americans do not have any retirement saving plans. Nevertheless, half of the American population think that they cannot save enough funds for th eir retirement. These findings show how uninformed many employees are. There is the need to have investment consultants who will enable the investors to choose the best retirement saving plans to suit their needs. However, it has not addressed the following question; is there any single 401 (k) plan that investors can rely on? This question is important because it will help in solving the current problems facing employees rather than blaming the financial industries for taking too much money from investors while offering little value in return.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Identifying Instructional Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Identifying Instructional Resources - Essay Example This activity supports the instructional objective by giving the students multiple representations of the content: first, they read the content in our class text. Next, they identify the most important information in the text - that which defines and gives the function of the three branches of government. Lastly, they place the informational in a new organizational context - the Concept/Definition Graphic Organizer. This activity is well suited to the students' academic level because it requires comprehension of text, the selection of important content, summarizing that content, and placing it a new context. The graphic organizer will show the content in a new context for students, and more contexts will yield a more thorough understanding. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. ... Instructional objectives: - compare and contrast the different branches and their role within the U.S. - demonstrate an understanding of checks and balances by illustrating in a picture. - use word processor; create a paragraph explaining each branch of government. From page 214 in the manual, students develop their understanding of the instructional objectives through the use of a Comparison Matrix. It asks them to compare and contrast the different branches of governments and their various responsibilities, including those of checks and balances. To practice multiple representations of content, they also create a picture or illustration using paper and markers provided by the teacher demonstrating their knowledge of checks and balances. Students then use the Comparison Matrix as an outline for an essay that they complete using a word processing program. These activities should be highly engaging for students because they employ several different learning modalities and are at a skill level that is challenging but attainable for their age group. Resources: Internet access. Reuters.;; and The New York Times Online: Instructional objectives: - locate and be able to discuss current issues in the media concerning the government. - formulate at least two concerns/problems that would fall under the jurisdiction of the branches of government. Students find current issues in media concerning the government by using Internet search engines. They write a summary of these issues using a word-processing program. They include two examples of a current issue for each of the three branches of government. These activities link the abstract notions of what government does with

Public Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Administration - Essay Example Public Administration is a branch of political science which deals with those agencies that perform functions related to the government. It is related to the management of public programs and those who work in it communicate with the residents of their country or community. Public Administration can be divided into two categories: direct and indirect. The direct administration is the provision of services like electricity, insurance, delivery of emails etc. Indirect administration includes the contracts that government makes with private organizations of people in order to provide goods and services to citizens. Public Administration is the implementation of a public law. It also includes regulation, telling people and organizations what they could or could not do. It is the responsibility of the government to manage different functions like taxation, public spending like provision of street lights, unemployment benefits etc. The majority tasks of the government are performed by bure aucrats who have to think of solutions to the challenges faced by the society. A public administrator also performs duties like creating government policies, advising officials and setting budgets etc. Public administration works on how government decisions are made and even how to implement those decisions. An example of the tasks performed by public administration officials includes coming up with efficient solutions to different problems or issues prevalent in a society like introducing rehabilitation programs for criminals etc.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Retirement Gamble Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Retirement Gamble - Movie Review Example There is an important concept that is brought about in the video concerning the availability of actively managed funds that are worthy the value of investors’ money. The authors argue that there are no actively managed funds that can add value to the investors’ investments. I disagree with the argument because there are several beneficial actively managed funds in the market. Moreover, Christine Marcks, the head of Prudential Retirement, argues that she is not aware of any research findings showing the advantages of low cost index investments over the high cost active management. The general public needs to be made aware that the task of finding and determining whether the actively managed funds are worthy the investors’ money should lie under the responsibility of investment accountants. Research shows that one third of Americans do not have any retirement saving plans. Nevertheless, half of the American population think that they cannot save enough funds for th eir retirement. These findings show how uninformed many employees are. There is the need to have investment consultants who will enable the investors to choose the best retirement saving plans to suit their needs. However, it has not addressed the following question; is there any single 401 (k) plan that investors can rely on? This question is important because it will help in solving the current problems facing employees rather than blaming the financial industries for taking too much money from investors while offering little value in return.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Public Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Administration - Essay Example Public Administration is a branch of political science which deals with those agencies that perform functions related to the government. It is related to the management of public programs and those who work in it communicate with the residents of their country or community. Public Administration can be divided into two categories: direct and indirect. The direct administration is the provision of services like electricity, insurance, delivery of emails etc. Indirect administration includes the contracts that government makes with private organizations of people in order to provide goods and services to citizens. Public Administration is the implementation of a public law. It also includes regulation, telling people and organizations what they could or could not do. It is the responsibility of the government to manage different functions like taxation, public spending like provision of street lights, unemployment benefits etc. The majority tasks of the government are performed by bure aucrats who have to think of solutions to the challenges faced by the society. A public administrator also performs duties like creating government policies, advising officials and setting budgets etc. Public administration works on how government decisions are made and even how to implement those decisions. An example of the tasks performed by public administration officials includes coming up with efficient solutions to different problems or issues prevalent in a society like introducing rehabilitation programs for criminals etc.

Monster by Sanyika Shakur Essay Example for Free

Monster by Sanyika Shakur Essay The book Monster by Sanyika Shakur is the story of one gang member’s life of crime growing up in a crime ridden neighbourhood outside Los Angeles. Then known as Kody Scott but given the name Monster by his fellow gang members because of his vicious and ruthless acts of violence, Shakur relates a life of crime that started at adolescence and escalated quickly. He relates to the reader that the only feelings of belonging and family that he truly experienced were in the family created by his fellow thugs through a life of shootouts and gangbanging. In the book, Shakur expresses memories of his mother’s only reactions to his crimes being disapproval and detachment, rather than concern or love. There is little evidence of order or community in Shakur’s experiences either in his time on the street or during his periods of incarceration. The novel Monster and the life of Sanyika Shakur paint a picture of a life ruled by the concepts of the social disorganization theory. The social disorganization theory, formulated by Burgess, Shaw and McKay, proposes that delinquency and crime are the results of communal institutions like family, church, school and local government fail and stop being active structures within a community. These communal institutions enforce social responsibility, care and concern for the community and positive behaviour within the community. When these institutions degrade and stop playing active roles in the lives of the citizens of a community, the organization and social responsibility of the community is lost and crime and negative behaviour can spread in their place. The memory of Kody’s graduation at the beginning of Monster is an example of the prevalence of social disorganization in Shakur’s life. He relates how, at the age of 12, his graduation from grade school is treated as a family event and attended by all his siblings, an aunt and an uncle. But as soon as the graduation ceremony ends and the family returns home it disintegrates, with the other authority figures leaving and Kody being yelled at by his mother to clean up his room. There is no praise, no positive reinforcement, just yelling and orders. As a result Kody flees for the place that he feels he will get that acceptance, love and sense of accomplishment – the hangout of a local gang member. It is in this early experience that it can be seen how the life of a gang member, in young Kody’s eyes, will meet his needs far better than living the life of a civilian and working a regular job, as he describes the clothes of one gang member he emulates as, â€Å"Things our parents could not afford to give us† (Shakur 6). He has been given no reinforcement from his family unit, a family where there is seemingly little or no structure, so he finds that structure and reinforcement, along with the promise of better things, in gang life. Later, after being released from prison, Shakur reflects on his neighbourhood that he grew up in and recognizes its shortcomings: â€Å"I couldn’t believe the drabness of the city. Burned-out buildings and vacant houses took up whole blocks. Gas stations and liquor stores owned by Koreans were on every corner. Mexican merchants hung on corners, hawking oranges like dope. The obvious things that had been there all along I never saw differently† (Shakur 360). This illustration paints a picture of a neighbourhood that is rife with the characteristics of a socially disorganized environment. Shakur mentions no schools, no churches, no public parks or recreational sources of positive enforcement. The things that stand out to him are liquor stores and Mexican fruit sellers. There are burned-out buildings and vacant houses, representative of the void where positive reinforcement and social responsibility is blatantly absent in his community. As a result, these streets that now cause him to feel depressed are the same ones that led him to a life of crime and murder. The things that are absent from the streets that Shakur sees were also absent from his life. He never mentions school again after that early graduation memory except to say that he never went back, and there is no mention of church at all by him or his family. The concept of faith is so foreign to him that he does not understand it when the Muslim leaders in prison try to explain faith to him. There is no evidence of social responsibility in the neighbourhood that Shakur describes, only poverty and businesses like liquor stores that provide sources of negative distraction from life and responsibility instead of encouraging improvement or positive behaviour. One of the elements of gang life that appealed to Shakur was the structure provided by the organization of gang sets. He states, â€Å"All attempts at new ideas are not successful. Sets fail, much like businesses. Much work goes into establishing a set. With the success of a set comes universal recognition† (Shakur 81). This description indicates that Shakur’s way of thinking and personality would have benefited from a more positive source of structure and organization, such as in church, school or a community work program. In this illustration Shakur explains that successfully organizing a gang set garners recognition and respect, the ultimate goal. But the gang members he’s organizing with have not been taught how to organize themselves for a positive goal, like a school athletic team or a church choir or study group. In the absence of that positive reinforcement their organizational skills turn to forming a successful set that will have adequate numbers and sufficient weapons to launch an attack on gang rivals. The social network that should have existed within the community as a source of strength and positive reinforcement was replaced by a social network within the gang community, spreading violence and drug use throughout a community weakened by lack of leadership and socially positive structures. There is a sense of apathy portrayed in the neighbourhood that Shakur grew up gangbanging in that allowed the social disorganization to spread. He describes occasions in which he and fellow gang members would follow rivals into local businesses to assault them and business owners would simply step out of the way. This is another scenario in which positive behaviour could have been reinforced. The local businesses do not represent a traditional social structure like a school or a church, but a group of local businesses banding together to stop gang violence on their premises and to enforce the law against crime and encourage local youth towards more positive pursuits would have produced the same effect. Instead, other citizens turn a blind eye to the theft and violence that occurs on their property out of fear or apathy. This attitude allows the disorganization to occur just as the failing of the communal institutions does. Shakur’s experiences in the multiple prisons in which he is incarcerated also provide evidence of a lack of structure or positive reinforcement. Shakur repeatedly gives examples of prison guards that mistreat and beat African American inmates because they are African American or because they are gang members. When discussing the juxtaposition of the environment he grew up in with the prison environment he explains that much of the disorganization and violence in prison stemmed from, â€Å"the fact that most of us grew up in eighty percent New Afrikan community policed – or occupied – by an eighty five percent American pig force that is clearly antagonistic to any male in the community, displaying this antagonism at every opportunity by any means necessary with all the brute force and sadistic imagination they can muster†(Shakur 223-24). In a socially organized society law enforcement would be another structure that would reinforce positive behaviour within the community and help to encourage a sense of community responsibility. Here, Shakur describes a police force where the opposite is true. Instead of encouraging positive action the police antagonize citizens, especially those that are male, and use brute force and unnecessary violence to enforce the law, while taking advantage of their position of authority over the citizens. Instead of using their authority to be role models within the community and protect the people from crime by discouraging it, the police that Shakur grew up with on his Los Angeles streets abused their power and took advantage of their authority to wrongfully accuse Shakur and his community. This represents a clear departure from the social structure necessary for social organization, and a degradation that could have definitely resulted in the presence of social disorganization instead. The structures of authority within the gang world relate Shakur’s need for reinforcement and organization that he didn’t find in his social community. During his stay in prison he describes plays for power in which an inmate member of one gang would physically assault or publicly humiliate an inmate member of another gang as a means of establishing dominance for himself over the other inmate and for his gang set over the other gang set. Again, this is an example of the lack of social structure, both out in the community and within the confines of the prison, resulting in a social structure and community spreading in the criminal world and encouraging negative behaviour and crime. It is in this prison system that functions as a microcosm of social disorganization that Shakur discovered the New Afrikan Independence Movement, which is presented as a contrast to the unstructured, violent, socially disorganized world that Shakur has known. Again, he feels a sense of belonging in the structure and positive reinforcement of his attitude. He learns to take pride in his heritage and where he is from instead of reacting out of anger and ignorance at the police and other members of society that he feels degrade him. In the movement Shakur explains that he learned that his behaviour was directly related to the environment he was in and the reinforcement he was given, and that the only way to create a positive environment for himself and his people was to create one. In himself, Shakur develops his own social organization. He describes how he left the gang community while in prison and expresses surprise that there was not more resistance. It makes sense that after a life in the gang world where any opposition or threat to the authority and structure of the gang was met with anger, violence, and potentially death, that Shakur would be apprehensive about announcing his decision to turn his back on gang life and his surprise at the calm reaction. Shakur also changes his life outside of prison, instructing his friends to not address him using the N-word and refusing the cocaine they bring him. The reactions of his friends and family to his new attitude and outlook on life illustrate the reinforcement of social disorganization. His gang member friends try to give him money and drugs right away so that he can delve right back into a life of illegal activity and crime. His mother displays a detached, almost unemotional attitude that indicates that she doesn’t think it’s possible for him to avoid returning to the gangbanging life he knew and make a new life for himself. In her reaction, his mother displays all the characteristics of a socially disorganized community in her inability to offer positive reinforcement or organizational help or structure. It is only through Shakur’s will and new sense of purpose that he escapes the socially disorganized world he lived in for one that is organized with the structure and positive reinforcement he needs to succeed. Works Cited Shakur, Sanyika. Monster. New York: Grove Press, 1993.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Relationship Between Asset Price and Monetary Policy

Relationship Between Asset Price and Monetary Policy With the development of capital market and the innovation of finance, asset prices have taken a more prominent role in financial economy. Meanwhile, financial crisis and economy turbulences arouse by abnormal assets price fluctuation appear in many countries. Currently, China is confronted with the reality of asset prices inflation. Asset prices rapidly fluctuation bought gigantic impact to monetary policy, therefore, study the relationship between asset price and monetary policy according to Chinas economy is significant. This dissertation applies correlation analysis, unit root test, cointegration test and Granger causality test in the empirical analysis of the relationship between asset price and monetary policy, from the data analysis, we could conclude that asset prices and monetary policy have a long-term relationship. The central bank should focus on the role of asset price on the transmit mechanism of monetary policy. 1. Introduction Motivation With the development of modern capital market and financial innovation, the world economy has into the financial economy era, and disappears increasingly capitalization, virtualization trends. It is no doubt that modern capital market has provided a powerful lever for economic growth, but its instability also cause macroeconomic fluctuations , and in particular the asset price bubbles, which is becoming a key factor for financial crisis and economic fluctuations. So far, the most developed Western countries have experienced a long period of rapid growth, concern is that global asset price has increased sharply in recent years. In the late 1980s, the stock market and real estate in Japan as the representative of asset prices have greatly increased ,which also caused Japanese economy into the bubble economy, the credit crunch and economic recession arising from the bubble economy have serious negative effects so far. In 2006, the Dow Jones industrial average index in USA was beyond the highest point of network technology bubble expansion from 2000, the stock market of many other developed and emerging market countries generally strongly increased and was beyond history records. In addition to the security market , the global real estate, gold and oil market are also very active. In 2001-2005, real estate prices have nearly doubled in many developed countries, meanwhile, real estate price in many developing countries has also generally increased . In May 2006, the international spot gold price reached USD per ounce 718 score in New York City market since 1980. In mid-July 2006, the International crude oil futures price GE exceeded the highest record to reach 75 USD/barrel. But, inevitably brought the more serious financial crisis in 2007, which has caused huge economic fluctuations to the economy from 2007. In China, securities market have established for ten years, the shares of negotiable securities in the structure of residents capital portfolios continued to be increasing, in 1992, the total value of Chinese stock market is 1048 billion yuan, accounting for only 3.9% of gross domestic product (GDP) ratio . But in 2007, the stock market value is 327141 billion yuan, the ratio of market value in GDP has being greatly rising to 130% , which is 312 times growth compared with the total stock market value in 1992 . Not only a huge amount, but also the fluctuations of asset prices have become more frequent and intense. In 2006-2007, Chinese economy under the driven of stock market and real estate market has a certain degree of asset price bubbles. While in the same time , Chinese economy is actually facing the reality of asset price falling from the top digit, shanghai security market falls rapidly from the peak position in 2007, the stock market bubbles receive the extrusion, the real est ate market similarly is also facing the similar situation, house price of major cities has falls obviously, the turnover falls into the valley. All of these financial crisis constantly are reminding people that the worldwide economic fluctuations are characterized by the financial instability , and economic cyclical fluctuations, instead of disappearing, and to be getting worse, cause considerable economic depression, frequent asset price volatility and financial crisis and economic recession arising from the asset market collapse, hence , the government should focus on the asset prices on the role of macroeconomic fluctuations and the central bank in the world have to consider the information from asset price fluctuations. The Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and Bernanke concern much about monetary policy and asset price volatility. Alan Greenspan proposed central banks should be more concerned about the issue of asset price bubbles in the anniversary meeting celebrating the establishment of the Bank of England in 1994 . Chairman Bernanke is an internationally recognized as the founder of monetary policy and asset price researc h. At their encouragement , the international academic community and the national central banks have recent research and debate whether the monetary authorities should intervene directly in asset price fluctuations. These research and debates are from the different backgrounds in different countries, in accordance with their different assumptions and premises, provide some significance policy advice. Financial markets in particular capital market deepening and broad-based, and financial innovation enables financial institutions have diversity features. The boundaries of currency and other financial assets is blurring, money supply and real economic variables lost stability, the monetary policy impact on the real economy is no longer limited to traditional approaches, according to the traditional Keynesian theory, this impact on consumption and investment mainly through interest rate variable . But as the improvement of financial system and increase of financial assets stock , monetary policy can also use the wealth effect of asset prices and Tobin q to affect the consumption and investment, causing the changes of total demand, in stick price, the aggregate demand led to a change in the output , and cause the effect of the output changes on demand, if the aggregate demand exceeds the aggregate supply ,it can lead to inflation pressures. This series of transmission mechanism make t he role of asset market on the real economy become more prominent, asset price has become a major transmission channel of monetary policy . From the reality in China, the rapidly development of asset markets have a key role in our national economy, the impact of real estate market and stock market on economic and monetary policy are becoming increasingly apparent. In fact, the Chinese monetary authorities have also already begin to pay attention to the relationship of asset price and monetary policy . Xiaochuan, Zhou , as the Governor of Chinese central bank ,says that the central bank concerns about changes in asset prices and gives full attention to information from asset price when formulating and implementing monetary policy. Therefore, study the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in Chinese economy is significant. This dissertation analyze the relationship of asset price and monetary policy systematically, and will use econometric methodology to seek to explore the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in China by using quarterly statistics from 1998 to 2008. I will estimate the relationship between monetary policy variables and asset price variables , through correlation analysis, unit root test, cointergration test Granger Causality test to get the conclusion. This dissertation conclude the results that ¼Ã… ¡monetary policy and asset price have a long-term relationship, in a short time, the monetary policy aggravated the asset price fluctuations to some degree, the asset market appeared to be rapidly soared and shirked in a short period of time. The central bank should focus on the role of asset price on the transmit mechanism of monetary policy. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Empirical Studies from Western Economists The research from western economists on relationship of asset price fluctuations and monetary policy mainly reflects the two views. First, asset price and monetary policy do not exist the causal relationship on behavior , and the only relationship is on the information that reflects the present and future output growth. Another view on research of asset price fluctuation and monetary policy is that asset price can affect consumption and investment through wealth effects , the change of capital cost and asset price fluctuations affect consumption and investment respectively through wealth effects and Tobin q, thus affect the financial institutions status of assets and liabilities , further affect the stability of the financial system. It is evidently that asset price has become the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Frank Smets (1997) is one of the economist who systematically analysis the optimal monetary policy that Central Bank should response on asset price change. He has proposed the following important viewpoint: how the central bank should respond to monetary policy reflecting the unexpected change of asset price, how this change affect the central banks inflation forecast. There are two factors affecting the central bank forecast inflation. First is that the effect of asset price on transmitting mechanism of monetary policy. Second is that the unique information on asset price. He established a simple macro-economic model that contains equation of Phillips curve, aggregate demand on financial asset prices (as represented by the stock price) , arbitrage and dividend , he uses this model to examine the variety of ways that change of financial assets price affect the real economy, and analysis the optimal monetary policy of central bank response to financial asset price movements. He demons trate that the optimal monetary policy of central bank response to financial asset price movements, that is, according to the structure of established model , weighted average of the short-term interest rate ( traditional intermediary target of monetary policy) and asset price as price index — monetary conditions index (MCI) , and regard this index as the target of monetary policy operations, therefore it can properly guide central bank make effectively response on monetary policy to change of financial assets price. Gunnarsson and Lindqvist (1997) have discussed the role of asset price on monetary policy from the wealth effect on change of asset price and the effect of inflation. They conclude that the monetary policy should be given more attention on the change of asset price, although it is very difficult to explain. They believe that the change of asset price affect monetary policy as long as this change is long-term change, and in recent years, the impact of this change of asset prices on the economic has been more and more important, so the central bank should spend more energy to analyze the relationship of asset prices and monetary policy, although this relationship is hard to explain but indeed existing. They believe that asset price as an indicator for monetary policy might contribute to the inflation forecast. B.Bemanke and M.Gcrtler (2000,2001) have provided that :In an particular assigned situation , the monetary policy respond to the change of asset price is determined by if existing of the inflation or the deflation pressure on real economy or not, if this change of asset price do not bring the inflation or the deflation pressure on the real economy, then the monetary policy does not need to respond to this kind change of asset price, but If this change of asset price indicates that it indeed brings the inflation or the deflation pressure on the real economy, then the monetary policy should make some response to alleviates this pressure. They propose the above policy seriously under the system frame of flexible currency inflation goal. Cecchetti, Genberg, Lipsky and Wadhwani (2000) have noted that how the central bank respond to asset price fluctuation mainly depends on the nature of the asset price fluctuation. When only have the shock of financial aspect on macro-economy, the central banks exchange rate policy should make an appropriate response, because doing so will avoid the financial shock on the stability of real economy . When the central banks target is to minimize the fluctuations of Inflation ratio and economic output gap to their target value , the central bank take possible action to eliminate the negative effects of financial volatility is a very good thing. 2.2 Empirical Studies from Chinese Scholars After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the scholars in China have began to research the relationship between asset price and monetary policy. From a theoretical viewpoint, on the one hand, monetary policy have an impact on asset prices through the adopted operation tool, on the other hand, as a virtual asset relatively to physical asset , asset price fluctuations can also have some impact on peoples consumption and investment behaviour, hence, affect economic development through consumer and investment , further transmit monetary policy purpose to the real economy. Xiaoan Qian (1998) finds that change of asset price make a difficulty in monetary policy transmission mechanism, this will cause the certain effects on monetary quantity management, inflation control and financial risk avoidance. The increase of asset price has been made transmission role of the monetary policy in the currency market change and become a source of funds in the asset markets, causing short-term funds long-term occupation , so that the transmission mechanism of monetary policy to occur difficulty. Part of funds seperated from the bank system, directly to the virtual asset markets. Wenjun Xun (2000) believes that the development of capital market increase the number of the emerging non-bank organization such as superannuation fund, the mutual fund, the Insurance company and so on, the bank also participates in the competition of capital market , the effect of the capital market on the real economy gradually highlight, the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy increases, economic subject and its behavior are diversity, uncertainty about the economical movement increases, therefore the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy is more complex. They thinks that Central Banks monetary policy should control official interest rate through the market , thus indirectly influence the bond and the stock market price in capital market, further influence real economy, achieves the monetary policy goal. Qiang Qu (2001) has found that it is difficult to put asset prices as the goal of direct control of monetary policy in the monetary policy operations, the possibilities and accuracy of establishment of general asset price index is very small, asset prices can only be used as an indirect reference, in short, to concern on it , but not target on it. Gang Yi and Zhao Wang (2002) have considered that monetary policy have impact on financial asset prices (in particular the stock price), the relationship of currency quantity and inflation not only depends on the price of goods and services, and in a certain degree depends on the stock market. Tianyong Guo(2006) has affirmed the role of asset price fluctuation on real economy , financial stability and monetary policy through analysis, at the same time, he also points out that the asset price as regulatory targets exist difficulties. Chang Cui (2007) analysis the role of asset price on monetary policy through the model , in asset price inflation period, the central bank can take the measure of interest rate for a given period too control asset price fluctuation, and control the money supply when asset price bubbles exist will receive immediate effect. While in asset price downturn period , interest rate adjust asset price have obvious and relatively durable effect. Yuanquan Yu (2008) obtains through the empirical analysis: the asset price has a certain influence on macroeconomic , particularly the effect of house price is more obvious. Therefore, the Central Bank must give the appropriate attention and control on asset price in the implement of monetary policy . In an conclusion, the asset price fluctuations have an certain impact on the ultimate objective of monetary policy, we can not ignore the unique role of asset price on the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and the macro-economic activities. The central bank should concentrate on the effect of asset prices on monetary policy, particularly in asset prices fluctuations periods, the vast majority of economists believe that the central bank should take an certain monetary policy to address and reduce the negative effect of the economy. For most of research focuses on the study of asset price fluctuation and its relationship with monetary policy, the role of asset prices in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy , as well as the effect size issues ,this dissertation based on the domestic and foreign scholar research results , deeply analyzes the transmitted mechanism of monetary policy in asset price through the impact of monetary policy on asset price . 3. Data Description This dissertation focus on the relationship between asset price and monetary policy in China according to the quarterly statistics during the year of 1998 to 2008. This dissertation mainly use the stock price (index) and house price(hsp) as indicators of asset price , and use boarder money supply (m2), financial institution loan (loan), real rate (rate) as indicators of monetary policy for simplicity. Due to the amount of the data of these variables are really great, we take log of these variables to analyze. This dissertation get all needed data from China Economic Information Network, which is a professionals institution engage in the development of economic data resources and services, provide data support, data integration, and other business data analysis for government and research institutions. All the quarterly data we need from 1998 to 2008 is recorded in the China Economic Information Network. à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ 3.1 Indicators for asset price in China Asset prices generally including stock prices, bonds, prices, and even exchange rate, and other financial assets and house prices. However, the stock price and house price have a significant effect on real economy, and its fluctuations can have a key role in monetary policy decision-making, hence, in this dissertation , we will use the stock price and house price refer to the asset price. In particular, the Shanghai securities composite index is on behave of the stock price for data limitations, Shanghai securities composite index is established by the Shanghai stock market to reflect the Shanghai securities trading market overall trend. House price is on behave of the average house price in China. We can easily get these data from the China Economic Information Network. 3.2 Indicators for monetary policy in China Monetary policy refers to the Government or the Central Bank influence economic activity, especially by money supply control and regulation of interest rates. To achieve a specific goal or maintain target — for example, curbing inflation ,achieving full employment and economic growth, directly or indirectly through open market operations and setting the minimum reserve rate. There are many factors needed to be consider in implementing monetary policy, for data restrictions, in this dissertation ,we mainly consider the variable of boarder money supply, financial institution loan and real rate. First, boarder money supply (lnm2) indicates the change of aggregate supply and pressure condition of inflation in the future. In china, boarder money supply is narrow money supply plus the saving, foreign currency and fiduciary deposits of government, organizations, services, businesses and institutions in financial institution. Boarder money supply can be used as a medium and long-term equilibrium target to regulate of financial markets .It is usually the rate of boarder money supply increasing should be controlled at the sum rate of economic growth and price inflation, monetary movement. Second, financial institution loan have some disadvantage as a indicators of monetary policy. First, it is closely associated with the monetary policy objective. Currency circulation and deposit currency caused by loan, the Central Bank control the size of the loan, which also mean to control the money supply. Second, financial institution loan is an accuracy an endogenous variable , loan size is positive correlation with loan demand. As a policy variables, loan size and the demand also have a positive correlation. Furthermore, data of financial institution loan is easily accessible . Third, real rate refers to the real rate of interest return that the depositors and investors can get after eliminating of inflation rate, it is calculate as nominate rate minus CPI. Real rate can be used as the indicator of Central Banks monetary policy due to following reasons : (1) real rate reflect the supply of money and credit, and able to show the relative supply and demand, it is correlation with nominal interest rate ,High level of interest rate is thought to be a tight, low interest rate level of convergence are considered monetary relaxation. (2) real rate belongs to the Central Bank , the Central Bank can use this tools to increase or decrease in interest rates. Table 1: denotation for Variables denotation Variables Implication Lnindex Shanghai securities composite index Shanghai securities trading market overall trend Lnhsp House price Real estate price Lnloan Loan financial institution aggregation loan domestic Lnm2 M2 boarder money supply: M2+M1 Rate Real rate nominate rate minus CPI. 4. Economic Theory and Econometric Model The effectiveness of monetary policy depends not only on the sensitivity of economic subjects on policy signal , but also on numerous external factors of financial system. According to the traditional Keynesian theory, when implementing expansionary monetary policy, increase of money supply will lead to rate decline, i.e. capital costs decreasing, further increasing investment expenditure, hence increasing aggregate demand and aggregate output. Meanwhile, increase of money supply will lead to the bank reserve and deposit increase, thus enhanced bank to increase the loan quantity, the fund that the borrower attains increase, then the total quantity investment will increase, which also lead to the quantity of aggregate demand increase, hence, the total output also rise. We will use following econometric model to analyze the relationship of asset price and monetary policy. 4.1. Analyzing correlation coefficient The correlation coefficient is a measure of two variables relate to each other and their close degree of effective tools. Its absolute value is close to 1 description of relevance, the stronger between variables, the more its relevance with 0. If the correlation coefficient is positive, then the variables presented to changes in the relationship, with one variable with another variable changes. But if the correlation coefficient is negative, then the variables are changes in the relationship in the opposite direction. Using correlation coefficient can be better measured variables and between monetary policy and asset price correlation between Extent its positive and negative symbol can indicate the variable ask changes direction. Generally used to be associated matrix said. 4.2. Testing for Nonstationary In time series, stationary is a key concept, as it allows powerful techniques for modelling and forecasting to be developed. Stationary is generally regarded as some pattern of data stable or equilibrium. Stationary time series have constant mean and variance, but its covariance only determined by the time distance. However, when time series could not analyze as stationary, this types of time series always have a strong upwards or downward trend over time, we call it as nonstationary, and we can use differencing as an effective tool to transform a nonstationary time series into a stationary time series. Sometimes, Transforming a nonstationary time series into a stationary one needs more than once differencing operation. Generally speaking, if the differencing needs to be operated at least d times to achieve a stationary time series where d is the order of integration, then the time series is said to be integrated of order d, denoted by I(d). Hence, the I(1) time series also referred to have a unit root, while the I(0) time series are stationary. Dickey and Fuller (1979) provided an effective method to test a time series is stationary or nonstationy time series, which is also called as Dickey-Fuller (DF) test. The elementary object is to test the null hypothesis that the time series have a unit root or not. The model the Dickey-Fuller (DF) test involves bellows In this dissertation , indicates the variables on monetary policy and asset price at time t. ÃŽ ± denotes unknown parameter and denotes the trend. denotes the first difference which . Also, the t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that H0: =0 against the alternative hypothesis H1: While the index and real rate variable we consider under the model H0: against H1: We also can identify the fittest lag k by running the ADF(k) test, choosing the fitted order k that gives the minimum AIC and BIC. 4.3 Cointegration Formally, Engle and Granger (1987) defined the cointegration as if there exists a linear combination of two or more I(d) time series which is I(d) with d In practice, we usually use cointegration test to exam the long-run relationship among variables in economics. If times series have relationship between variables, and the trend of the two time series has been common, and thus there will be a linear combination of these time series give us an stationary time series. In this dissertation , we test the long-run relationship between monetary policy variable and asset price variable by cointegration test .First, we consider the regression of two I (1) time series. The model is To test { } and { } are cointegrated, we need to exam that the residuals term { } is stationary .If the residuals term is I (1), then this two times series do not have a cointegration, otherwise , if the residuals term is I (o), then this two times series are cointegrated. Under this case, to test the residuals for unit root ,we can conduct DF/ADF-statistic test. In this paper, we denote that monetary policy variables as and we regress on a constant and one of the asset price variables as . 4.4. Causality Test Granger (1969) provided that Granger causality test can apply generally for testing the causal relationship on two time series.Granger causality means that if { } Granger causes{ } then { } have a predict power of { } , given any other variables. More formally, it is said that { } Granger causes { }; when the forecast of given data on { } and { } outperforms the forecast of given data on { }only. Granger causality is only related to the predictability of { } using { } and is not concerned as to whether{ }causes { }, it could be that { } Granger causes { } but { } is not causal for { },and vice versa. To test for Granger causality, we could estimate the regression by OLS In this dissertation , denotes an indicator of asset price, i.e. Shanghai composite index (lnindex) , house price ( lnhsp) , Also,denotes the indicator of monetary policy, i.e. financial institutions aggregate loan (lnloan), broad money (lnm2), real interest rate (rate) . Then conduct an F test on the null hypothesis against the alternative at least one of the is not zero. If we reject the null hypothesis, then { } has predictive power for { } and therefore, { } Granger causes { }, on the other hand, if we fail to reject the null hypothesis, then { } has no predictive power for { }, therefore, { } does not Granger causes { }.We usually test the two times series for Granger causality in pairs, that is, first test whether { } Granger causes { } and then test whether { } Granger causes { }.If two variables have Grange causality relationship in both directions, i.e. { } Granger causes { } and { } Granger causes { }, then we could regard these two varibles have causality relationship in both directions, that means these two variables are related. If two variables have Granger causality in one direction, e.g. { } Granger causes { } but { } does not Granger cause { }, then we can conclude that these two variable just have a one way causality relationship. 5. Presentation and Interpretation of Results 5.1. correlation coefficient between monetary policy variables and asset prices variables We analysis the correlation between monetary policy variables and stock prices variable according to the data provided by China Economic Information Network, and the correlation coefficients are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 Correlation coefficient between lnindex and lnloan,lnm2,rate in 1998-2008 Lnindex Lnloan Lnm2 Rate Lnindex 1.000000 Lnloan 0.4829 1.000000 Lnm2 0.4867 0.9980 1.000000 Rate -0.4717 -0.9013 -0.9067 1.000000 As we can see, stock price (Lnindex) has correlation relationship with all monetary policy variables. With a higher stock price, loan and money supply will be increased, while real rate will be decreased. For monetary variables, loan and M2 have a strong positive correlation, and M2 have a strong negative correlaton with real rate. In conclusion , for the stock price variable, it has basically the positive correlation with the loan and money supply variables , and has negatively correlation with the real rate. Table 3 Correlation coefficient between lnhsp and lnloan,lnm2,rate in 1998-2008 Lnhsp Lnloan Lnm2 Rate Lnhsp 1.000000 Lnloan 0.9667 1.000000 Lnm2 0.9633 0.9980 1.000000 Rate -0.8453 -0.9013 -0.9067 1.000000 From table 3, we can see house price (Lnhsp) has correlation relationship with all monetary policy variables. With a higher house price, loan and money supply will be increased, while real rate still will be decreased. In conclusion ,for the house price variable, it has basically the strong positive correlation with the loan and money supply variables , and has strong negatively correlation with the real rate. 5.2.Results for unit root test We exam monetary policy variables and asset prices variables by Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) to test the stationary of time series. First ,we choose the AIC and BIC to determine the fitted lag it suggest that the optimal lag for time series is lag k =1,Then we run ADF to test stationary of time series. Results are below: Table 4 ¼Ã… ¡Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test for Variables Series ADF Test critical values Results 5% 1% Lnhsp -1.685 -3.41 -3.96 have a unit root Lnindex -2.085 -2.86 -3.43 have a unit root Lnm2

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Academic Effects of Active Parental Involvement Essay -- A Level Essays

Academic Effects of Active Parental Involvement Findings demonstrate that parent involvement in a child’s learning is positively related to their achievement. The first teachers of our children are the adults in the home. This is where the children learn their attitudes and values that are engraved in them for the remainder of their lives. When families as a whole participate, in children’s education in positive ways, there are noticeable changes in the child’s test scores, attendance records, quality of work, attitudes and behavior, graduation rates, and the amount that enroll in higher education. The level of involvement is often questioned by the parents; however, research suggests that â€Å"the more intensively parents are involved in their children’s learning, the more beneficial are the achievement effects† (Cotton and Wikelund, 2002, p. 2). It is believed that when parents monitor homework, encourage participation in extracurricular activities, are active in parent-teacher associa tions, and help children develop plans for their future, children are more likely to respond and do well in school. There are indications that prove that the most effective form of parental involvement is when the parents work directly with their child. Researchers find that the more activity each parent puts in, there will be greater achievement for that student in comparison to the children with passive parents. When parents actively participate, that is work with their children, attend their activities, and help in the classroom, greater achievement is noted. Academic Effects of Passive Parental Involvement Passive parent involvement is better than no involvement, however the effects aren’t as successful for the child. This... ... This article helps to explain the social effects that parental participation has on children. It describes how self-esteem and motivation is related to the amount parental interest in the child and their education. Watkins, T. (1997). Teachers communications, child achievements, and parent traits in parent involvement models. Journal of Educational Research, 91 (Sept./Oct.), 14. Retrieved March 12, 2002. This article explains how parental involvement through home instruction, volunteering in the classroom, has been linked to the quality of children’s learning and motivation. Swick, K. (1984). Inviting Parents into the Young Child’s World. Stipes Publishing Company. Playing Their Parts: What Parents and Teachers Really Mean by Parental Involvement. (1999). Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved on April 15, 2002 from the World Wide Web.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essays --

Gilgamesh (needs better title) Kyle Frum Experience is an important part of being an epic hero. This quality allows someone to succeed where others will always fail. Gilgamesh displays far more experience and knowledge than Sundiata, thus making him a better hero. He displays 3 main qualities that show he has experience. He is far more powerful and influential at the beginning of the story, he has more success in his early adventures, and (((((???))))). "Epic" heroes such as Sundiata simply cannot compete with someone like Gilgamesh. He is already a strong, powerful king when Sundiata is crawling around on all fours. The first page in Gilgamesh already shows his power. It states "a goddess made him, [Gilgamesh] strong as a savage bull." However, strength is not all he has. Gilgamesh is the king of Uruk, proven by the text, "Gilgamesh the king." This is a very good position, as Uruk is a powerful and large city, and "in Uruk he [Gilgamesh] built walls, a great rampart." This proves that he must have done many great deeds. A final clear indicator of Sundiata's early weakness is the f...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Development Methods

Agile software development refers to the processes and methodologies of software development which are based upon the implementation of iterative development with the help of a joint venture through which solutions are devised by making use of cross-functional teams. Coined in the year 2001 with the promulgation of the Agile Manifesto, this special program of computer program development mainly focuses on the philosophy of leadership and accountability with the intention to fulfill the needs of customers and achieving company goals. Moreover it does not only emphasize on best teamwork practices but also promotes best industry practices.Hence agile methodology of software development is extremely beneficial for industries and software companies as it provides a greatest number of myriad benefits at their disposal (Reifer, 2006). On the flip side we have the traditional method of computer program and software development which includes a number of different methodologies which can be u sed in various ways for the fulfillment of objectives through traditional methods. Traditional methods are commonly classified or labeled as all those methods of software development that cannot be categorized or accommodated in agile development method.Therefore when talking about traditional methods we have at our disposal some of the ways that are known as iterative development procedures, waterfall methods and even cowboy tailoring, hence in a nutshell it encompasses all those characteristics or most of them that are not the salient feature of the agile method of software and computer programming, hence with increasing innovation and advancement taking place in the technological sector the efficacy and credibility of traditional methods of software development is slowly and steadily decreasing (Lewis, 2008).Salient features of each methodology As stated earlier that some of the major characteristics that are among the prime features of agile method of software development due to which it is considered highly preferable for computer companies in contemporary times. All the methods that are described and accommodated by the agile method promote teamwork, collaboration and adaptability to the changing environment and scenario of the technological mainstream.Since agile method accentuates upon the feature of adaptability potentials with the passage of time most of the computer programs that are made by using agile methodology do not focus on long term planning. Each iteration that is designed by using the principle designing features of the program consist of short time frames or time boxes as they are professionally referred to as. These time boxes last for minimum two to a maximum four weeks.However it is worth mentioning here that every fragment of information that is designed using this method of software technology uses and adheres to the principles and features of proper analysis, observation, market strategy prevalent at that specific period of time and involves proper and well-coordinated collaboration of all team members that contribute their opinion and perspectives after which the decision of software developing is finalized and presented to the major stake holders of the company (Highsmith, 2002).With all such features incorporated well in the entire project that is looked forward towards designing the probability of risks and hazards that can affect the entire project in adverse ways minimizes substantially and at the same time makes the entire computer program highly susceptible and non-immune for the adaptability of changes that can easily be made in the rudimentary mechanism of the entire computer program to make it suitable and usable in the long run.As far as the features of the traditional methods of computer program development is concerned since there are many methods that can be classified under the banner of traditional method, each method has its own dos and don’ts. For example some of the salient features of the Waterfall Method which is known as one of the structured organized of all traditional methods follows a strict procedure of stepping through requirements, analysis, design and coding in an at all once sort of a way which basically halts the sustainability and longevity of the computer program being designed.In contrast to this we have the cowboy method which does not follow or adhere to any specific rules and regulations of software program development and n which the team that is developing and designing the program have complete liberty as a result of which the outcome is not as effective and long-lasting as made by following other program and methods of software development (Kram and Tsui, 2009). Pros and Cons of each methodologyEvery program of software development is accompanied with its own pros and cons and similar is the case of agile and traditional methods of computer program development. We will have a look at some of the advantages of the agile method and procedur e first. The biggest advantage that web and software developers when using agile methodology is that the program outcome of this software is highly adaptable and possess the ability of undergoing changes and alterations that makes it adaptable to the dynamically changing environment of the technological and web arena.A further benefit that is an extension of the former one is that the developing and technical team does not have to invest further time, effort and resources to cater to the needs of the client that has altered, if such a condition does take place which is frequent enough slight or even substantial changes can be made without exerting oneself too much or without wasting too much time and further resources to ultimately gratify the client.Another very positive point of using agile method for computer programming is attributed to the presence of constant face to face communication between the developing team and that with the customer leaves no space for speculation in th e work and the kind of task that has been undertaken by the company itself.Furthermore the documentation made through agile methodology is short, concise, and crisp and is targeted specifically to the point that is required by the client without any redundant and irrelevant information. With the collective and flawless consolidation of all these factors the software prepared by using this methodology is as demanded and as per the requirement of the customer. Once done with this lets have a look at some of the cons and don’ts that are related to agile method.It has normally been viewed that the software development prepared using the agile method is limited in benefits to short scale projects, if large scale projects are prepared using this method their effectivity and credibility may not last long mainly because of the fact that in large scale projects it become difficult to evaluate the effort and scope of resources that needs to be invested in the preparation of the project during in its initial stages of software development cycle in particular.Secondly, another shortcoming of agile method also lies in the fact that it does not completely emphasize on the preparation of mandatory documentation and designing which are some of the elements that are extremely important and dire for any software program and for the maintenance of its efficacy.Agile methods are always accompanied with the threat that the customer or the client may easily withdraw or rollback the entire project if he is not able to understand the objectives that the project needs to fulfill and the benefits that the project can extract for him as a result of which the entire project and the resources and effort invested in it will go in vain.Moreover it is also worth mentioning here that agile method of program development is carefully and manageably handled by professional, highly qualified, experienced and learned computer professionals so that they possess all the necessary skills in co mmunication as well as adequate technical expertise to satisfy all the myriad and diverse requirements that the client needs in the computer program he is looking forward to design. Once done with the advantages and disadvantages of agile methodologies of technical software development we now move on to the pros and cons of traditional methods (Sanja, 2010).Since traditional method accommodates a wide array of different methods and procedures some are effective and advantageous whereas others do not share the same level of credibility and usage. Some of the traditional methods that are used such as the Waterfall method is highly accredited as some of the most organized and well-managed ways of software development due to the high level of convenience and simplicity it offer at the disposal of the client. Waterfall Method which is among the most prominent method of traditional development offers the effective departmentalization of resources and expertise as well as of managerial con trol.It also follows some of the key principles that are vital for the success of any project; these include analysis of an issue through all ways and magnitudes through proper consultation and recommendations from all major experts involved in the process, but despite of this a major drawback that is offered by the usage and adherence to the principles of traditional methods of software development are that the software program constructed by making use of traditional methods do not have the potential of turning back or reverting the process that has been established once, as a result of this if a client demands an alteration in the basic mechanism of the program that ahs initially been designed for him, the company employees and the technical staff involved in the making of the program will have to start from the scratch in order to incorporate the change demanded by the customer. This will also require greater investment of time, resources and efforts from the entire team in orde r to conform to clients needs.When such processes take place time for other projects that are pending have less time for their completion as a result of which a chain reaction of chaos, anomie and mismanagement initiates that disturbs the entire process of effective management (Keith, 2007). The affectivity of each software development method depends on the kind of the client and the requirement of the client that it is dealing with. In contemporary technological mainstream we see that the entire business of Information technology has been shifted overseas and are being handled primarily by countries that can provide ample and low cost labor force such as China and India.In such cases these countries work for many of the software companies located in United States and other major economies of the world and their companies like Microsoft, Dell and Hewlett Packard, therefore the choice of the software that they demand has to be satisfied under all conditions and the requirements and n ature of the software in turn determines the kind of the software that needs to be used for the making of the software. In some cases the company might show interest in developing software though agile while in other ways traditional methods have to be applied. Hence in a nutshell the affectivity of each methodology of software making depends on the requirements of the client and the nature of the software that needs to be developed by the concerned organization.Requirements and demands may also vary at a local level for example a local Indian software company known as Satyam mostly shows interest in developing software through agile methods as alterations in it can readily be achieved to cater to the needs and requirements of their target audience. In some circumstances it is also a possibility that the software model and the specializations and expertise of the company involved in providing technological services come into consideration when choosing the methodology being applied. Some companies despite of client reliance and coercion apply tactics in order to convince the client the best way through which his services can reach his specified target audience in order to make sure that the capital investment being made by the client provides him maximum benefit in the form of the services being provided by the software company itself (Hass, 2007).